The Dutch Heel
The Dutch Heel
Otherwise called a Platform Heel
For this heel you first make sure you have an odd number of stitches for your heel. Now, knit to and fro in stockinette or with slipped stitches as you wish to the required length.
To turn the heel you must knit to within 6 stitches then Knit Two Together, Knit 4, Purl 1 (as a seam stitch), Knit 4, Knit 2 Together Through the Back.
Turn, without knitting the rest.
Purl all the way back and Purl Together the last that was knit together and a new stitch. Turn.
Knit back, remembering to purl the seam stitch, and Knit Together Through the Back the last stitch and a new stitch.
Repeat until all but the 11 stitches are used up. Then Pick up stitched on the side of the Heel and continue as for a regular heel flap.
For the Heel called the French Heel just knit in the same way, but with only 3 stitches on each side of the seam stitch.
Then knit the foot and toe as usual.
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