Chunky, Billed Hat

This lovely hat is such a quick and simple knit that anyone could easily sit down, while watching tv and finish it.

My Project Picture on Insta amd Ravelry

The needles used are US 11 and it uses Super Bulky yarn, but it can be knit with a Bulky, as I did. It's knit flat, and the visor is knit separately and then they're seamed. A line of crochet slip stitches run up, over the purl part of the broken rib, I chose to omit that as I like the look of the broken rib better. Definitely would and might knit again, as it would make a great gift!

Most important detail, this pattern is from Bernat's Hats Hats Hats from 1969, usually my cutoff point for aquisitions but I do make some exeptions. 


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